Three license applications of 291km² in area with similar prospective geology and physical proximity.
Jadar North (area comprising 98.75km2)
- Asena has directly targeted the northern extent of the basin where Rio Tinto is developing the world class Jadar Deposit
- Rio and Asena occupy 100% of the Jadar basin – subject to Asena being granted the North Jadar licence
- Extensive surface geochemical sampling, ground magnetic and magnetotelluric surveys, followed by limited drilling conducted
Petlovaca (area comprising 99.65km2)
- Near to the Jadar basin, gravity-data indicates similar depths, thicknesses, environments and stratigraphic sequences.
- Undrilled to date
Ljig (area comprising 92.31km2)
- Two holes drilled in the Ljig license application area to date penetrated lacustrine sediments with mineralisation found as pseudomorphs
- Large area of mineralised basin sediments indicated by the nearby Valjevo borate deposit drilling